Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I haven’t really updated in a while. I don’t find myself having a lot of free time at home and at work, I don’t get much web time anymore, so I’m writing this out in Word and then I can log in and paste it later.

So, what’s going on?

Well one new thing in my life, I’ve entered a Talent Show at church, me, Mike, who does not do Talent Shows ever. I got roped in to it by a high school student I’ve been slowly befriending. I don’t want to let him down, so I’m attempting to participate. It’s actually going really well so far, we just need some practice time. We’re performing Bulbous Bouffant (Look it up on Google). I play the 3rd guy.

My Courtship with Elise is going really well. I’m absolutely and completely crazy for her. We just started a Bible Study with Bryan. We’re going to be working through
Ephesians so I should have some new posts out of that. I’m also going to start an on-going study on Giants in the bible. I’m curious to see if I can draw any correlation to the Nephilim in Genesis 6:4.
I’m excited for the new bible studies and very excited to be Courting Elise. I think we’ll have a good time going through things. I think we both approach bible study very differently.

My truck is fixed. I had to replace the O2 Sensor a bit back for about $220. I’m kind of stressed lately, really since I had it fixed. I’m pretty strapped for cash. Dating is expensive. I’m trying to make some changes to my money habits. I’m finding myself having trouble making it check to check which is really ridiculous when I’m pulling in as much as I am. I think my biggest hits are Gasoline and Food. I eat out too much and I drive too much.

I’m also trying to figure out a way to afford a new Laptop. I really want to sell my desktop and get an Alienware Laptop. It’ll have Intel Core 2 Duo 2ghz, 2gig RAM, GeForce 7950 GX SLi x2, 17” Widescreen 1080p. It’s really awesome, but it’s more than I could ever spend at about $3,500. They give a monthly payment plan at about $100/month but I’d have to use their credit card thing and I can’t justify a purchase like that when I’m having trouble paying for gas. Maybe once I get my finances under control, if I have the budget for it, I can try and buy one as a reward to myself, haha. We’ll see. I sure would love to have it though. I could bring Libronix with me everywhere for my bible studies. I could even use it in place of my MP3 player in my truck with the special AC Adapter. If I could swing that, maybe I could swing the Cintique 2 Tablet screen I want so bad to go with it.

Work still kind of sucks. I’m having a lot of trouble respecting my boss as he polices the department with an iron fist over stupid little things and fails to back us up or improve our work environment by providing better information and training. The office is getting busier and with it, louder. It gets really stressful for me. I think I might request relocation to one of the offices. I’m very tempted to try and get a job painting parking lots. I wouldn’t probably enjoy it much more than this, but at least it would pay so much better. Sounds like a lot more hours than I want to put in though. Who knows, maybe I’ll find something else I can do.

Anyway, that’s life at the moment. Band of the month is Carbon Leaf. Song of the month is “The War Was in Color”

1 comment:

lucius said...

Get a new job. Don't buy a computer, save up for a ring. Painting lots is fun, way more fun then "Hello, how may I help you and your retarded computer program." Your boss doesn't know how to manage it will only get worse the longer he tries....much love for the blog...