Thursday, October 16, 2008

"The Happening" & What's Happening..

So, I saw "The Happening" last Friday evening.. it was terrible. The acting was poor, the plot was pathetic and the content was disturbing. The basic premise (I'm going to spoil it for you) is that because Mankind has become such a threat to the Earth, all the world's plants, you know, trees, grass, flowers, etc.., have rapidly evolved a new defence mechanism. Whenever large groups of people are around, they release a toxin to the air which causes all the normally sane people to decide to kill themselves in grusome, horrible ways.

So, the effects were really pretty cheesy, gross, but cheesy, and the plot was pathetic, but I did learn something interesting about myself.

I got really depressed. It reminded me of darker times in my own life and my own thoughts of suicide and death and I was completely unprepaired for it. I was distant and dispondant for days.

I had no idea it would affect me like it did. I wish I'd never watched it. My sister and her friends came over and decided to watch it. I tried to talk her out of it. I even lied to her about having not returned it yet, in hopes she wouldn't go rent it on her own.. she did. I had to go hide in my room to escape it, and trying to fall asleep, I realized I could still hear it through the floor and I ended up turning on my iPod to muffle out the sounds.

I felt pretty childish, but I don't know, I just couldn't handle it. It was a difficult weekend..

In other news, it's been an "OK" week since then. Our Men's Bible Study was interesting. There was only 3 of us. We've been dwindling. It was a good time though. We talked about Galatians 3:7-14. It was cool to see how Paul uses the Old Testament to talk to Jewish Christians and point out the truth behind what saves us and who truely are God's children. For it is not our bloodline, but rather our Faith that determines our inheiritence. "Know that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham." (Galatians 3:7 )
So that was cool. We decided also to keep on kicking, even with such small numbers. The three of us are enjoying it and getting alot out of it. Hopefully more will show up eventually.
Also, Elise and I started up Love & Respect again. Our friends from work are joining us, which is really cool. I had hoped my parents would too, but that's too far out of their comfort zone I guess.
AND.. we've joined a new Bible Study called The Truth Project. It's all about understanding what it is to be a Christian and showing it with a Christian "World View" by breaking down a lot of the popular world views we are bombarded with through the media and others all our lives. It's pretty cool. I think it's leading to some interesting discussions, anyway, and I'm excited for that.
I think that's all for now.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Updates? What?!

Ok, so, it's time to get serious about some updates around here, yeah?

I'm going to try to do my best to start taking better notes and transferring them to the blog. I'm involved in a Men's Bible Study with some guys here at work on Mondays which has been going awesome. We're ripping Galatians apart.

Also, you may notice, I've added a new feature to the blog. Logos Bible Software's RefTagger! It's pretty much awesome. A simple to apply java code that enhances all of my bible references automatically with tool-tip previews and links to the text itself automatically, and a special button to open your Libronix direct to the passage in your preferred bible (I use ESV).

Check it out! Genesis 6:4-8 (My favorite passage, of course)

Anyway, more updates to come, including a much needed update to my picture, and possibly some neat background graphics if I can figure that out.

Oh, by the way... sweetness. I'm loving their new album. Kind of a Breaking Benjamin, hard-rock-alternative style with engaging lyrics that reflect a lot more maturity than the style usually offers. These aren't your every-day-angry-teenagers. They talk about real issues that grown people face, like addiction and loneliness. My little brother turned me on to them. Best album purchase I've made on iTunes in a long while.